about us

Gorini Architects LTD is a registered  Architectural firm based in Nairobi,  Kenya

In recent years, Gorini has been commissioned to provide  consultancy services in more diverse project typologies with in  sectors such as Healthcare, places of worship, Recreation, hospitality and Education along with traditional residential  and office projects.

In our continuous pursuit of growth and a wider client base, Gorini is aiming, in the near future, to broaden its focus to include International commissions. The company’s current platform and quality of service delivery is well geared to achieve this.

In 2004, the founders of Gorini met at a High school in Laikipia, some 300km from the capital. 

At the heart of a semi-arid environment, the school was designated  as a suitable institution  with sustainable solar power solution, wind power water pumps, water collection and recycling among others.

It is from this background that the two undertook to explore sustainable design solutions, and with further studies in Architecture and subsequent professional registration they formed the company to provide tailor made sustainable Architectural design solutions.


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